When Pandora Radio unexpectedly gives you writing prompts…

I got caught up in a hurricane that lasted about thirty seconds and projected me to Mars. There I found my muse who was telling me this is war before being violently pulled into a supermassive black hole. I heard myself scream, “Ten more minutes with you!”. Suddenly, there was a seven nation army marching toward me wearing white stripes and trying to kill Hannah before we had to go wake up the sleepers.

(to be continued)


©Gloria Tassen and Life According To G, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Gloria Tassen and Life According To G with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

I do not own any rights to photos used in this post.

Published by g.

Greetings! I guess you're here to find out who I am...looks like we're in the same boat. I have been writing poetry since I was 16, not because I thought it was a "cool thing to do", but because if I didn't my head would have exploded. With a multitude of words billowing through my brain, I had no other choice but to let them out. Some have been funny, many have been sad, but mostly, they've been guideposts. Unfortunately, I do not write as much as I would like to, but I hope to rectify that. Aside from poetry, I dabble in novel-writing. I have many ideas jotted down, some of them I've started, and maybe one day I will actually get one finished (if I just didn't have to worry about working, paying bills, and simple basic survival). I spend a lot of my time supporting my kids dreams. My daughter is a musician, and my son is an athlete, so between music gigs and school sporting events, my time is pretty much consumed...but I love every single moment of it!! I am also passionate about environmental issues; always looking for ways to lend a hand. Currently, I have an Etsy shop where I sell crocheted items that I have personally made. A portion of the proceeds are going to be donated to two of my favorite charities; Mission Blue and Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. You can learn more at https://www.etsy.com/shop/PeaceLoveGlo?ref=hdr_shop_menu Other than that, I love to travel! I hope to see as much of the world as possible. There is so much more out there than just where we are, and I feel it is a gift that we should not take for granted. Once upon a time I was a runner (though some may have called it jogging with enthusiasm), but my Achilles decided it didn't like that anymore so now we walk. I'm beginning to venture into yoga, which so far has been a pleasant experience, and if time will permit, I would like to start doing some hiking. I also love music and going to concerts, coffee is my best friend, and over thinking is my worst enemy. So that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Nothing too fancy or exciting, just a 40-something still trying to figure it all out. I hope you enjoy my ramblings. g. P. S. Remember, "Agree to disagree, for not one person is ever truly right."

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